Requesting Highway Improvements and Waiting Restrictions (yellow lines)

Wiltshire Council have processes in place for residents to suggest highway improvements in their local area and to request waiting restrictions. As Wiltshire Council are the highways authority for the county, it is not possible for us to progress requests via any other method.

In order to request a highway improvement, such as a pedestrian crossing, changes to speed limits, traffic calming, alterations to the road layout etc, residents should fill out a Highway Improvement Form and return this to the Town Council ( / The request will then be considered by the Town Council’s Property and Amenities Committee. If the Committee supports the request, it will be sent on (along with any comments from the Town Council) to Wiltshire Council’s local Highway & Footway Improvement Group, who have an annual budget for highway improvements in the area and the authority to take forward initiatives in the highway.

In order to make a request for waiting restrictions (most typically double yellow lines), residents need to fill in a WR1 Form. Again, these requests are considered by the Town Council’s Property and Amenities Committee and if supported, go forward to Wiltshire Council’s highways department. Wiltshire Council tend to wait until there are a few requests in the area before taking these onward – grouping the requests onto one Traffic Regulation Order saves costs, so such requests rarely get actioned quickly.

Further information